MySQL Stored Function A stored function in MySQL is a set of SQL statements that perform some task/operation and return a single value. It ...
MySQL Stored Function
A stored function in MySQL is a set of SQL statements that perform some task/operation and return a single value. It is one of the types of stored programs in MySQL. When you will create a stored function, make sure that you have a CREATE ROUTINE database privilege. Generally, we used this function to encapsulate the common business rules or formulas reusable in stored programs or SQL statements.
The function parameter may contain only the IN parameter but can't allow specifying this parameter, while the procedure can allow IN, OUT, INOUT parameters.
The stored function can return only a single value defined in the function header.
The stored function may also be called within SQL statements.
It may not produce a result set.
CREATE FUNCTION F_Dist3D (x1 decimal, y1 decimal)
RETURNS decimal
DECLARE dist decimal;
SET dist = SQRT(x1 - y1);
RETURN dist;
Call Function
- SELECT name, age, Customer_Occupation(age)
- FROM customer ORDER BY age;