Cron jobs It is a software utility that is a time-based job scheduler in Linux. With the help of this utility, you can run commands or scr...
Cron jobs
It is a software utility that is a time-based job scheduler in Linux. With the help of this utility, you can run commands or scripts at a given date and time.We can schedule the jobs like taking backups or move the files etc periodically with the help of cron jobs
Setup Cron jobs
Step 1: Update the apt repository
apt update
Step 2: Check cron is already installed or not (on Ubuntu)
dpkg -l cron
Step 3: If it is not installed then install it
apt install cron -y
Step 4: Check the service is in a running state or not
systemctl status cron
Step 5: create a file /home/vagrant/
add below content
echo `date` >> /home/vagrant/file1
Step 6: Provide execute permission to your file
chmod 777
Step 7: Run the below command to setup the cron job.
crontab -e
add below entry at the bottom
* * * * * /home/
Step 6: Wait for 1 min and you will find that script is executed