Awk is a scripting language used for manipulating data and generating reports Default behavior :- It prints each line of data from the spe...
Awk is a scripting language used for manipulating data and generating reports
Default behavior:- It prints each line of data from the specified file.
awk '{print}' simple.txt
Print the matching Pattern
awk '/manager/ {print}' emplyee.txt
Print fields data
awk '{print $1}' emplyee.txt
awk '{print $1,$2}' emplyee.txt
awk '{print $4,$2}' emplyee.txt
Display the file content with Line number
awk '{print NR,$0}' emplyee.txt
Display the file content from lines number 3 to 6
awk 'NR==3, NR==6 {print NR,$0}' emplyee.txt
Display the file content with concatenation with other fields
awk 'NR==3, NR==6 {print NR "-" $1}' emplyee.txt
Use NF Variable to display the last Field
awk '{print $NF}' emplyee.txt
To Print the empty line of a file
awk 'NF == 0 {print NR}' emplyee.txt
Find the length of Longest line
awk '{ if (length($0) >max) max =length($0) } END { print max }' emplyee.txt
Total number of lines
awk 'END { print NR }' emplyee.txt