Step 1: Create a NodeJs Lambda function Select Lambda service and Click on Create function button Select Author From Scrac...
Step 1: Create a NodeJs Lambda function
- Select Lambda service and Click on Create function button
- Select Author From Scracth.
- Function name : ApiFunc
- Runtime: Node.js 14.x
- Permission ---> change default execution role
- select create new role from AWS policy Template
- and provide the role name apifuncrole
Click on Create function button
Step 2: Use the below code for the Lambda function
Then Click on File--->save and Click on Deploy
Step 3: Create Rest API using API Gateway.
- Select API Gateway Service
- Click on Create API button
- Select RestAPI and click on Build button
- Select New API
- Api Name: myapi
Click on Create Api Button.
Step 4: Create a Resource
- Select Action--> Create Resource
- Resource Name: what-is-my-title
Click on Create Resource Button
Step 5: Select resource what-is-my-title and Goto Action---> Create Method from Drop down select Get Method and click on tick mark.
Step 6: Click on Get Method
- Integration Type: Lambda Function
- Select check box Use Lambda proxy Integration
- Lambda function: <<Lamda function name>>
Click on Save button
Step 7: Select GET and Goto Action--->Deploy API
Deployment Stage : New Stage
Stage Name: api
Click on the Deploy button.
Step 8: You will find one Invoke URL on the top and open that URL in a new tab and at the end of the URL add what-is-my-title
You will be able to see the title and current date and time
Step 9: Click on Export tab and select the Swagger and select Export as Swagger and click on json. It will download the json file for api Gateway.
Step 9: Take screen shot and copy IAM Role policy