
Docker Volume Assignment

  1. Create a docker apache image using Dockerfile.  2. Create a deploy-vol docker volume.  3. Run a container using docker apacheimg with p...

 1. Create a docker apache image using Dockerfile.

 2. Create a deploy-vol docker volume.

 3. Run a container using docker apacheimg with port forwarding 80:80 and map /var/www/html folder to deploy-vol.

4. Check default apache page is accessible on the browser.

5. Copy/Create a test.html file under /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data

6. Check on the browser that you are able to access this webpage (test.html)

7. Go inside the container and create a file newtest.html under /var/www/html and verify that you are able to access it with the browser.


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  2. 1. vi Dockerfile

    1.2 in Dockerfile:
    FROM ubuntu
    #from is getting the base image

    ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    #noninteractive for automation so it does not ask questions such as geographical..

    RUN apt-get update
    #run is adding instruction on the instruction layer

    RUN apt-get -y install apache2

    ADD . /var/www/html
    #add is copy the file from host machine to docker image folder

    #entrypoint whenever docker image is used in a container, some commands need to be executed automatically

    ENV name DEVOPS
    #environment variable is used on the global level

    1.3 docker build . -t apacheimg

    2. docker volume create deploy-vol

    3. docker container run --name assignment1 -v deploy-vol:/var/www/html -dit -p 80:80 apacheimg

    4. curl localhost

    5. echo "h1 Welcome to test.html page! /h1" > /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data/test.html

    6. curl localhost/test.html

    7. docker exec -it assignment1 bash

    7.2 in container:

    echo "h1 This is newtest page and NOT test page! /h1" > /var/www/html/newtest.html

    7.3 exit container:


    7.4 curl localhost/newtest.html

  3. 1. Create a docker apache image using Dockerfile.
    -> vi Dockerfile
    FROM ubuntu
    ENTRYPOINT ["echo"]
    CMD ["Hello World"]FROM ubuntu
    ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get -y install apache2
    ADD . /var/www/html
    ENV name DEVOPS

    -> docker build . -t apacheimg

    2. Create a deploy-vol docker volume.
    ->  docker volume create deploy-vol

    3. Run a container using docker apacheimg with port forwarding 80:80 and map /var/www/html folder to deploy-vol.
    -> docker container run -dit —name c1 -v deploy-vol:/var/www/html -p 80:80 apacheimg

    4. Check default apache page is accessible on browser.
    On browser enter: localhost:80 , > Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page running

    5. Copy/Create a test.html file under /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data
    -> echo “test text ABC” > /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data/test.html

    6. Check on the browser that you are able to access this webpage (test.html)
    -> On browser enter: localhost/test.html , yes

    7. Go inside the container and create a file newtest.html under /var/www/html and verify that you are able to access it with the browser.
    -> docker exec -it c1 bash
    -> echo "Second test page" > /var/www/html/newtest.html
    -> On browser enter: localhost/newtest.html , yes

  4. 1. mkdir dockasgn
    cd dockasgn
    vi Dockerfile
    FROM ubuntu
    ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get -y install apache2
    ADD . /var/www/html
    ENV name DEVOPS

    2. docker volume create deploy-vol

    3. docker container run -dit --name apacheimg -v deploy-vol:/var/www/html -p 80:80 ubuntu

    4. curl localhost:80

    5. echo “Test HTML” >> /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data/test.html

    6. localhost/test.html

    7. docker exec -it apacheimg bash
    touch /var/www/html/newtest.html
    ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/demo-vol/_data

  5. 1. vi Dockerfile

    FROM ubuntu

    ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

    RUN apt-get update

    RUN apt-get -y install apache2

    ADD . /var/www/html


    ENV name DEVOPS

    docker build . -t apacheimg

    2. docker volume create deploy-vol

    3. docker container run --name a1 -v deploy-vol:/var/www/html -dit -p 80:80 apacheimg

    4. Checked ok

    5. echo "h1> Hello World /h1>" > /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data/test.html

    6. checked ok

    7. docker exec -it a1 bash
    cd /var/www/html
    echo "h1> Second test /h1>" >> newtest.html
    checked ok

  6. Mikraj:

    1. Create a docker apache image using Dockerfile.
    vi Dockerfile
    FROM ubuntu
    #from is getting the base image
    ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    #noninteractive for automation so it does not ask questions such as geographical..
    RUN apt-get update
    #run is adding instruction on the instruction layer
    RUN apt-get -y install apache2
    ADD . /var/www/html
    #add is copy the file from host machine to docker image folder
    #entrypoint whenever docker image is used in a container, some commands need to be executed automatically
    ENV name DEVOPS
    #environment variable is used on the global level
    docker build . -t apacheimg

    2. Create a deploy-vol docker volume.
    docker volume create deploy-vol

    3. Run a container using docker apacheimg with port forwarding 80:80 and map /var/www/html folder to deploy-vol.
    docker container run -it --name c1 -p 80:80 --mount source=deploy-vol,destination=/var/www/html -d apacheimg

    4. Check default apache page is accessible on the browser.
    curl localhost OR localhost:80 on browser

    5. Copy/Create a test.html file under /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data
    vi test.html
    h1 hello this is practice /h1
    cp test.html /var/lib/docker/volumes/deploy-vol/_data

    6. Check on the browser that you are able to access this webpage (test.html)
    curl localhost/test.html OR localhost/test.html on browser

    7. Go inside the container and create a file newtest.html under /var/www/html and verify that you are able to access it with the browser.
    docker exec -it c1 bash
    cd /var/www/html
    touch newtest.html
    echo “h1 this is added, this new test /h1” >> newtest.html
    curl localhost/newtest.html OR localhost/newtest.html on browser



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DevOpsWorld: Docker Volume Assignment
Docker Volume Assignment
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