Docker Assignment ABC is a software company and you are hired as DevOps Engineer and you have to implement DevOps Lifecycle for a certain ...
Docker Assignment
ABC is a software company and you are hired as DevOps
Engineer and you have to implement DevOps Lifecycle for a certain number of
projects. Below tasks are assigned to you to maintain the containerization for
the Project called CAPSTONE.
1. Create
ubuntu Linux containers for WebServer and Database Server. ( Hint :- pull ubuntu images)
Install apache server on WebServer Container and
verify it is working fine or not by connecting host machine to Webserver
container and check that default web page is getting opened on the browser or
not (Hint:-Port forwarding)
Install mysql server on Database server.
There are some requirements that development
team has given to you w.r.t. webserver that you need to implement as a new
image called UbuntuServer.
Webserver should be ubuntu OS
Apache is to be installed and should be in
running mode
All the files should be copied from host machine
(/home/ubuntu/myproject folder) to webserver container (/var/www/html)
Set an environment variable called appstatus =
Running. (Hint:Dockerfile)
Push above image file to dockerhub (under your
On MySqlServer , a folder called /mylogfiles is
to be created in such a way that event we remove the container that data should
not be removed from this folder.(Hint
docker volume)